Remote work tips


"Remote work tips" is a 5 weeks email self-paced course. The main goal was to equip office employees with remote work skillset.

The course was developed at the beginning of the pandemic to address the need of transferring from on-site work to remote.

Case study

Business goal

Transfer 95% of the office staff to the remote work format within one month as all office employees will learn new procedures.

Learning objectives

By the end of this course the learner will be able to:

  • demonstrate a strong ability in technical literacy, including proficiency with software, a shared calendar, etc

  • plan and hold online meetings

  • apply remote management skills


At the beginning of the pandemic, all office employees were encouraged to transfer from on-site work to remote format. None of them have ever had the experience to work remotely as it was not very popular in their country.


So, as an L&D team, we need to support them with instructions to make the following transition smooth and beneficial for them.

We decided to create the email course in a form of learning bites. The employee got an email twice per week with essential information and practice.

I chose the email course format because:

  • simple delivery

  • quick access

  • we were able to submit a lot of information without overloading employees

My role

Instructional designer, Subject matter expert, e-learning developer, LMS administrator


L&D manager, HRBP office, Department managers

Target audience

Office staff, 300+


PowerPoint, Canva, MS outlook, corporate LMS, OneDrive


One-week email campaign announcing the launch of the new course.

5-weeks (10 lessons) email course in a format of learning bites, covering the remote work essentials.

One participant's guide for each lesson.

10 lessons were uploaded to the corporate LMS.

Follow-up campaign with the links to the LMS page with the course.


Employees should not only learn new procedures, but they also need to unlearn old ones. It may require more effort and time than was planned.

External pressure such as the new reality of remote work, and the ambiguity of the pandemic may increase stress factors. It may influence attention, concentration, and ability to learn overall.

Learning analitics*

Completion Rate

Customer Satisfaction Index

Measurements of success

Over 95% of meetings transferred to the online format.

A shared calendar is used to set up 95% of online meetings.

Over 95% of meetings have a goal, plan, and conclusion which is transparent to the participants.


Email campaign before the course was started with all the necessary information: what, when, where, and how the course will be delivered.

Lessons were uploaded to the LMS.

The course was executed.

Follow-up email campaign was held.

Data was collected.

* Unfortunately, I am not able to share this data.

Lesson overview

Here is an example of the Participants guide for lesson 3. It was created in ukrainian, therefore I made a section to explain the content of the lesson.

Remote work tip 3.pdf

Learning journey map

Every week employees got the email. The letter contained the link to the corporate LMS page with a participants' guide for a particular lesson.

Example of the guide you can find here.

Each guide was created for a certain lesson.


Please, visit the page with project learning materials.

If you have questions about the course, please, contact me.